Transactional Keywords: Examples & How to Use Them

Discover Transactional Keywords, their crucial role in SEO, and types, identify them and use them in content to enhance visibility and conversions.

What are Transactional Keywords?

Transactional keywords are search terms or phrases that people type into search engines when they’re ready to complete an action or make a purchase. These keywords indicate a strong intent to take a step beyond just obtaining information they signal that the user is prepared to engage in a transaction.

This transaction can be a purchase, a sign-up, a download, or another type of conversion. By targeting transactional keywords in their online content, businesses can reach potential customers who are in the final stages of their buyer’s journey, leading to increased conversions and sales.

How Transactional Keywords are important?

Transactional keywords are essential for several reasons, and they play a critical role in connecting businesses with consumers who are ready to make a purchase or take a specific action. Below, I’ll detail their importance and provide examples to make it clearer.

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Importance of Transactional Keywords:

1. Connecting with Ready-to-Buy Customers:

Transactional keywords help businesses reach consumers who have moved beyond the information-gathering phase and are ready to make a purchase or a commitment.

Example: If a person types “buy leather boots online” into a search engine, they’re likely ready to purchase leather boots, and a business selling this product would want to appear in the search results.

2. Enhancing SEO Efforts:

These keywords are integral in search engine optimization (SEO). By optimizing content & performing topic research for transactional keywords, businesses can improve their search engine rankings, driving more traffic to their site.

Example: A website selling home gym equipment may create product pages optimized for keywords like “purchase kettlebells online” or “order yoga mats online.”

3. Increasing Conversion Rates:

Since transactional keywords target users in the decision-making stage, websites that are optimized for these keywords typically experience higher conversion rates.

Example: An e-commerce store might notice increased sales after optimizing its website for phrases like “buy summer dresses” or “men’s watches for sale,” as they’re attracting customers ready to buy.

4. Targeted Marketing:

Businesses can create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns by understanding and utilizing transactional keywords. It enables them to tailor their content and ads to a specific audience.

Example: An online course provider might use keywords like “sign up for online photography course” or “buy coding webinar ticket” to create targeted ads that appeal to potential customers looking for these specific services.

5. Improved User Experience:

By aligning with the users’ intent through transactional keywords, businesses can offer a more streamlined and satisfying user experience, which can lead to positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals.

Example: A user searching for “order personalized wedding invitations online” is likely to appreciate a website that caters exactly to that need, making the purchasing process simple and convenient.

Key Takeaways:

Transactional keywords are pivotal in:

  • Attracting Target Audience: Drawing in consumers who are in the final stages of the buying process, ready to make a purchase.
  • SEO Optimization: Enhancing SEO efforts to ensure that your website appears prominently in search engine results when potential customers are ready to engage in a transaction.
  • Boosting Conversions: Increasing conversion rates by catering to a more targeted audience with a clear intent to purchase or take action.
  • Tailoring Marketing Strategies: Creating customized marketing content and advertisements that align with the specific needs and intents of potential customers.

By understanding the importance of transactional keywords, businesses can better align their online content and marketing strategies with the needs and behaviors of their target audience, leading to increased visibility, conversions, and sales.

What are the types of Transactional Keywords?

Transactional keywords can be categorized into several types based on the specific actions users are looking to take. Here are the common types, along with examples:

1. Buy/Shop Keywords:

These keywords indicate a clear intent to purchase. Users are looking to buy a specific product or service online.


“buy iPhone 13”

“order flowers online”

“shop for a wedding dress”

2. Brand/Product-Specific Keywords:

These keywords suggest that users have narrowed down their search and are looking for a particular brand or product.


“Apple MacBook Pro 2022”

“Nike running shoes”

“Samsung Galaxy tablet”

3. Service Booking Keywords:

These keywords are used by users looking to book a service. It could be appointments, reservations, or service scheduling.


“book a hotel in Paris”

“schedule a hair appointment”

“reserve a table at XYZ restaurant”

4. Location-Based Keywords:

These keywords show that users are looking for products, services, or businesses within a specific location.


“pizza delivery in Brooklyn”

“flower shop near me”

“car rental in Los Angeles”

5. Download/Sign-Up Keywords:

Users utilizing these keywords intend to download digital products or sign up for services, newsletters, trials, etc.


“download free eBooks”

“sign up for a newsletter”

“register for a webinar”

6. Subscription Keywords:

These keywords indicate a user’s intent to subscribe to a recurring service, like magazines, software, or online platforms.


“subscribe to Time magazine”

“Netflix subscription plan”

“join premium membership”

Keyword stemming can also come in handy is this process to open a window for more similar keywords that can be targeted and optimized in the content.

Why Different Types of Transactional Keywords Matter:

Target Audience Identification:

Different types of transactional keywords allow businesses to pinpoint and cater to specific segments of their audience. For instance, location-based keywords are especially helpful for local businesses aiming to attract nearby customers.

Content Customization:

Understanding the various transactional keywords helps businesses tailor their content. For example, an online retailer can create separate landing pages for “buy men’s watches” and “women’s watches on sale”.

Marketing Strategy Enhancement:

Knowing the types of transactional keywords enables businesses to enhance their marketing strategies. For example, ads targeted at users searching for “download indie music albums” can be different from those looking to “buy vinyl records online.”

How to identify Transactional Keywords?

Identifying transactional keywords involves researching and recognizing specific terms and phrases that users enter into search engines when they’re ready to make a purchase or take an action. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can identify these keywords, along with examples to make things more understandable.

Step 1: Understand Your Products/Services and Audience

Before diving into keyword research, have a clear understanding of what you’re offering and who your target audience is.

Example: If you sell handmade candles, your target audience might include home decor enthusiasts, gift shoppers, etc.

Step 2: Use Keyword Research Tools

Employ various keyword research tools to discover potential keywords. These tools can provide insights into search volume, competition, and other valuable data.

Example: Using a tool like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, you input “handmade candles,” and the tool might suggest related transactional keywords like “buy handmade candles online” or “handmade candles for sale.”

Step 3: Look for Action-Oriented Phrases

Focus on keywords that include action-oriented phrases or indicate a strong intent to make a purchase, book a service, etc.


“purchase handmade soy candles”

“book a candle-making workshop”

“order scented candles online”

Step 4: Consider Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and often have lower competition. They can be highly transactional.


“buy lavender scented soy candles”

“order customized birthday candles online”

Step 5: Analyze Competitor Keywords

Look at the keywords your competitors are targeting. Analyze their websites and paid ads to gather insights.

Example: Visit the websites of other handmade candle sellers to see the keywords they are targeting, such as “organic beeswax candles for sale” or “subscribe to candle subscription box.”

Step 6: Evaluate Search Intent

Ensure the keywords align with the search intent of users ready to make a transaction. Avoid informational keywords.

Example: Choose “buy aromatic candles online” over “how are aromatic candles made.”

Step 7: Monitor Keyword Performance

After implementing the keywords, monitor their performance. Use analytics to understand if they are driving conversions and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Example: If a “monthly candle subscription box” is leading to more conversions than “buy candles online,” you might focus more on subscription-related keywords and content.

Key Tips:

  • Consider Seasonal Trends: Keywords like “buy Christmas candles” can be transactional during specific seasons.
  • Use Location-Based Keywords: For local businesses or services, include location-based terms, e.g., “handmade candles in Brooklyn.”
  • Focus on Specificity: The more specific the keyword, the higher the chance of reaching users ready to make a transaction.

How to use Transactional Keywords in Content?

Utilizing transactional keywords effectively in content means integrating those specific search terms that indicate a buying intent, into various types of online content to attract and convert potential customers. Below are steps with examples to make it more understandable.

1. Identify the Right Keywords:

Start by identifying transactional keywords related to your products or services.

Example: For a business selling skincare products, keywords might include “buy organic face cream,” “order acne treatment online,” or “anti-aging serum for sale.”

2. Create Relevant Landing Pages:

Develop landing pages tailored to specific transactional keywords, focusing on user experience and clear call-to-actions (CTAs).

Example: Create a landing page optimized for the keyword “buy organic face cream,” with information about the face cream, customer reviews, a clear purchase button, and easy navigation.

3. Write Engaging Product Descriptions:

Integrate transactional keywords into product descriptions, ensuring they are informative and compelling.

Example: “Looking to buy organic face cream? Our nourishing and natural formula is perfect for all skin types. Order now and experience radiant skin!”

4. Incorporate into Blog Posts:

Write blog posts that not only inform but guide readers towards making a purchase, including transactional keywords where relevant.

Example: A blog post titled “Top 5 Organic Skincare Products of 2023” where you incorporate keywords and provide options to buy the products directly.

5. Use in Meta Descriptions and Titles:

Optimize meta titles and descriptions with transactional keywords to increase click-through rates from search engine results.

Example: Title: “Buy Organic Face Cream Online | Free Shipping.” Meta Description: “Order our top-rated organic face cream and get smoother, radiant skin! Fast delivery & secure checkout.”

6. Include in Calls to Action (CTAs):

Create clear and compelling CTAs, incorporating transactional keywords to guide users to take the desired action.

Example: Buttons or links labeled as “Buy Now,” “Order Today,” “Get Started,” etc., leading to the checkout page or form.

7. Optimize Email Marketing:

Use transactional keywords in email campaigns to entice subscribers to make a purchase.

Example: Subject Line: “Ready to Buy Organic Face Cream? Enjoy a 20% Discount Inside!”

8. Implement in Ad Campaigns:

Create targeted ad campaigns using transactional keywords to attract potential customers who are ready to buy.

Example: Google Ads campaign using the keyword “order acne treatment online” with ad copy focusing on quick shipping and customer testimonials.

9. Track and Analyze:

Regularly monitor the performance of content containing transactional keywords and optimize accordingly.

Example: Use Google Analytics to check if the landing page for “buy organic face cream” is attracting traffic and leading to conversions. If not, tweak the content or layout for better performance.

Key Considerations:

  • Natural Integration: Always ensure that the transactional keywords fit naturally within the content, maintaining readability and value for the audience.
  • Content Value: While focusing on transactional intent, ensure the content still provides value, and information, and answers the users’ queries.
  • SEO Best Practices: Follow SEO best practices in integrating keywords, considering aspects like keyword density, content quality, and backlinks to improve search engine rankings.

How Long Are Transactional Keywords?

Transactional keywords can vary in length, but they often tend to be long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are phrases that are longer and more specific than commonly searched for keywords. These are especially associated with a user’s intent to make a purchase or engage in a transaction. Let me elaborate with examples to clarify this

Length of Transactional Keywords

1. Short-Tail Keywords:

These are typically one to two words long. Though not very common, there can be short transactional keywords.


“Buy shoes”

“Order pizza”

2. Long-Tail Keywords:

These are more common in the transactional category. They typically consist of three or more words and are more specific, indicating a clear intent to make a purchase or another transaction.


“Buy women’s running shoes online”

“Order gluten-free pizza in Brooklyn”

“Download free mystery eBooks”

Reasons Why Transactional Keywords are Often Long-Tail:

Specific Intent:

Long-tail transactional keywords capture the user’s specific intent. They indicate that the user is looking for something particular and is likely ready to make a purchase.

Example: Someone searching for “buy red Nike men’s running shoes size 10” has a clear idea of what they want and is probably ready to buy.

Lower Competition:

Long-tail keywords often have lower competition than short-tail ones. They allow businesses to target niche markets effectively.

Example: It might be easier to rank for “organic handmade soap gift set” than for “buy soap.”

Higher Conversion Rates:

Because they’re more specific, long-tail transactional keywords often lead to higher conversion rates. Users searching with these terms are typically further along the buying journey.

Example: A user searching for “Sony 4K Ultra HD Smart TV 55 inch price” is likely closer to making a purchase than someone just searching for “Smart TV.”

Utilizing Transactional Keywords Effectively:


Use SEO tools to identify long-tail transactional keywords relevant to your products or services.

Content Creation:

Incorporate these keywords naturally in your content, including product descriptions, landing pages, and ad copy.


Ensure the user experience is optimized for conversions – have clear calls-to-action, easy navigation, and a straightforward checkout process.


Track the performance of these keywords, analyze the data, and make necessary adjustments to improve their effectiveness.

Where you can use Transactional Keywords?

Transactional keywords can be strategically placed in various online platforms and content types to attract potential customers ready to make a purchase or take a specific action. Here’s where you can use them, accompanied by examples for better understanding.

1. Website Content:

Landing Pages:

Usage: Use transactional keywords on product or service landing pages to optimize for search engines and attract ready-to-buy customers.

Example: A page title like “Buy Organic Skincare Products Online” for a skincare retailer’s website.

Product Descriptions:

Usage: Integrate keywords into product descriptions to make them search-friendly and match potential customers’ search queries.

Example: “Order this nourishing organic face cream to get radiant skin.”

2. Blog Posts:

Informative Articles:

Usage: While primarily informational, blog posts can also be optimized with transactional keywords to guide readers to make purchases.

Example: A blog post titled “Top 10 Organic Skincare Products to Buy in 2023” could attract readers looking for purchasing advice.

3. E-Commerce Platforms:

Product Listings:

Usage: Optimize product titles and descriptions on platforms like Amazon, eBay, or Etsy with transactional keywords.

Example: A product listing titled “Buy Handmade Leather Wallets – Fast Shipping.”

Further read: E-Commerce Keyword Research Guide

4. Email Marketing:


Usage: Use transactional keywords in email subjects and content to encourage subscribers to make purchases.

Example: An email subject like “Last Chance to Buy Your Summer Essentials!”

5. Paid Advertisements:

Google Ads:

Usage: Integrate transactional keywords in ad copy to attract clicks from users with the intent to purchase.

Example: An ad that reads “Sale – Buy Men’s Watches 50% Off – Shop Now!”

6. Social Media:

Posts and Ads:

Usage: Use transactional keywords in social media posts and ads to capture the attention of potential buyers.

Example: A Facebook ad stating, “Limited Stock! Buy Customized Phone Cases Today!”

7. SEO Elements:

Meta Titles and Descriptions:

Usage: Implement transactional keywords to make the webpage more visible and attractive in search engine results.

Example: Meta title: “Buy Vegan Leather Boots Online;” Meta description: “Explore our wide range of vegan leather boots. Order now for fast delivery!”

URL Structure:

Usage: Incorporate transactional keywords into URL structures for SEO benefits.


8. Call-to-Actions (CTAs):

Buttons and Links:

Usage: Use transactional phrases in CTA buttons or links to encourage users to proceed with the purchase or action.

Example: A button that says “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart.”

Key Considerations:

  • Natural Integration: Ensure transactional keywords are integrated naturally, and the content still provides value and readability.
  • Specific Targeting: Choose transactional keywords that are highly relevant to your specific products, services, and target audience.
  • Performance Monitoring: Regularly analyze the performance of the used keywords and refine your strategy for better results.

Further read: Best SEO Automation tools


1. What are the Best Transactional Keywords?

The best transactional keywords are specific phrases that indicate a user’s clear intent to make a purchase, sign up, or engage in a service. They are action-oriented and often include words like “buy,” “order,” “download,” or “subscribe.” Examples include:

  • “Buy organic coffee online”
  • “Download free antivirus software”
  • “Book a taxi to the airport”
  • “Subscribe to a monthly magazine”

2. What is Transactional in SEO?

Transactional in SEO refers to the process of optimizing web content for keywords that indicate the user’s intent to complete a specific action, such as making a purchase or booking a service. It’s about enhancing the visibility of web pages that facilitate transactions to appear prominently in search results when such specific, action-oriented queries are made. For instance:

  • Optimizing a product page for “order red velvet cake online”
  • Creating a landing page tailored for “sign up for online yoga classes”

3. What is the Difference Between Transactional and Commercial Keywords?

Transactional keywords signify a user’s intent to carry out a particular action, often a purchase, e.g., “buy wireless headphones.” Commercial keywords, however, relate to searches where users are likely looking for information or comparing options before making a decision, e.g., “best wireless headphones 2023.” Transactional keywords are for users ready to convert, while commercial keywords target those in the research or consideration stage.

4. How Do You Target Transactional Keywords?

Targeting transactional keywords involves a multi-step process. Begin with identifying relevant phrases using keyword research tools. Then, incorporate these keywords naturally into various types of content, including product descriptions, landing pages, and ad campaigns. Always ensure the content provides value and aligns with the user’s specific intent. Monitor performance and make continuous optimizations to enhance visibility and conversions. Examples of application include:

  • A landing page optimized for “buy men’s running shoes online”
  • An email campaign that integrates “subscribe to premium software today”
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